Good Saturday Morning Cali
Good Morning Everyone and a happy Saturday to all of you!
I am amazed I slept in this late this morning. I would not even be up yet, but Maggie had to come in and start licking me in the face. Of course, then she had to go outside on patrol and make sure all the cats and other critters in the neighborhood know that she is the boss!
I have not been able to read the boards too much, but what I have read...what a great week!
Jean, Kevin, and Kristin all celebrated their surgiversaries. All of you have done so amazing. I am happy for all of you!
Jean your transformation has been nothing short of amazing! PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY!!!
Kevin and Kristin you both are running fools and supporters to many. Kevin I still cannot get over how much you have done...and like many, I am looking forward to seeing the new hairless Kevin!
Janel made it home last Janel you sure are a trooper. I do not know how you did it because when I had my circumferentail lower and thigh lift....OMG it killed me to drive home!
Renee...I see you posting back on the boards again. WOW it sure is good to see you! I am hoping that things are going well in your life and one of these days we will run into each other again!
Faith...I am praying for you that whatever the decision is about your health and the reversal that the best decision is made for you.
Vicki how is it going on the homefront? Did the kids get off to a good start in school? How is Mike doing and I bet he is so glad to come home to his own bed each night now! How is your daughter mouth feeling these days too?
Nikki I am so happy that your doctor is hooking you up with a good surgery to finish the last leg of your journey. You are going to look just even more amazing! are things going with your family? Larissa settling in okay now? I know you said that she wishes she could be back in Germany. How is your husband feeling too? Did you say he changed his medication of gave him something else? I cannot remember...please forgive me! are you feeling? I know you said you are tired...and way sorry about the blow it calling your children so bad!!!!
Rhonda it looks like you are going to have a great weekend with your family! WOOHOO!!! Keep up doing all the good things you are doing to be successful too!
LuLu hope you and Steve have a great support group thingie today. I know it has been a while since you all have had one so this one ought to be pack with the 411! I will see you on the 6th with Scott and Kim!
Jeni...I am so glad you got to see your grandson. I know it has had to be heartbreaking not to have him around. I am also sorry to hear that things are not going to well with your daughter and such. Just pray for things to turn around. He does answers prayers....just look what happened for prayed and your prayers were answer!
Monica...I love being a team of one beings I am the only art teacher. I get to have meetings with myself hahahahahah! Don't worry about it really....keeps a lot of drama down!
Monica the new running are going to do awesome in the marathon!
Lori W....I am having a birthday party here in the 13th for my granddaughter....OMG you are going to have a houseful of kids eh? It will be fun and when you look back you know you are always going to have a smile on your face about it. How old is your youngest going to be?
Maureen hope you had a good dinner tonight and happy hunting this weekend. I think I would like to lay out under the stars with my bald man too!
Ms. are doing awesome in the workout department!!! You go girl and have loads of fun in SD this weekend!
Kim the biking fool....OMG you are doing so fantastic!!! I bet your legs and killer strong now!
Speaking of biking fool...Miss are riding 100 miles or something this weekend??? You make me sore thinking about it!
What else was good this week was to hear that Keri aka KooKooKeri is back and is doing well. She really has been through the ringer and Miss Liz is riding that marathon thingie in Keri's name. Liz needs the support too! Keri....I am glad you are back and I hope that your treatment has really put the MS on hold!
Jan sounds like you have a nice weekend in store!
Lisa you are doing well...walking the 2 miles WooHOO!!! Keep up the hard work girl you are going to be quiet successfull!
TurtleGurl....I hope that your review for the surgery goes well and you could not ask for a better angel...Becky is great!
Sue...where you be? You and Sammi going to do your usual this weekend? How did the dentist appt go?
Michele...did you all get done with cleaning out your daughters apartment? You sure are a nice mommy to do so much work!
Terry how is your horse doing? I think horses are so beautiful but I am so scared of them in a way....guess cuz they are so big and I have had some of them take off on me while riding....horsewoman I am not! LOL
Well I wish I could remember more....but brain dust bunnies are in my way this morning for sure!
Today brings housework early...and work work after that.....Steve you asked how the mural was going...well in I rolled out 225 pounds of clay slabs for tiles....and no I am not making uniform tiles out the slabs....they are going to just be painted and fired and then broken for the mosaic. It was really a lot of work. The rest of the mural will be done with store bought pieces, glass and rocks. I am excited and someone said take pictures along the way and I will.
I really want to get out early this morning and go rock collecting for the mural...maybe take the dogs and then come back and clean...that sounds more like it!
I am looking forward to meeting up with ThatKIm Girl tomorrow at the waterpark...I think my last time of the summer there for sure!
Hope you all have a great day...and do something that puts a smile on your face and in your heart!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Well I was up super early this morning and don't really know why....oh well. Not alot planned for today - just getting my nails and toesies done for the vaca next week then making sure all laundry is done and ready for vegas. Of course I have to seriously rethink what I am taking since I am thinking of clothes that would last me a the clothes ho....want to take everything I own....oh well, I will weed out things so I truly don't have to much...and of course makeup - hmmmm, better restrain myself and take only basics.
I am so excited to see Cher on Wed, it should be awesome for sure...and to wear my new sexy dress. I will be sure to take pics so you all can see..and on top of everything, its a size 14 - can I have a WOO HOO.
ANyway, thats aobut it for me...other than going to my friends son's wedding tomorrow late afternoon I am just waiting for Monday....
Everyone have a great weekend. And as always Janine, thanks for the shout out....don't know what we would all do without it.....
Good Morning One and ALL......
I up and moving already. I am hoping to spend a bit of time with Jeri Kids before heading out for the surport today.
Jeri called me Thrusdya and warned me that they think Sadie (the dog) might of had a small stroke. I wanted to cry when I seen her yesterday. She kind of acts like she is drunk, but not in a good way. I felt soooo bad for her. She was happy to see me and would have ran around if she could, but wheh she tried, she fell over. They took her to the vet and got a clean report, but WOW! its a good thing she warned me first. I had have rushed her to the ER vet for sure. They say she is getting better day by day. OK.
I can't wait to see everyone today. Steve has a great meeting set up and just the thought of sitting outside is making me smile.
See you all soon.
Wow... just as I typed that a small hummingbird flew up to me and hovered around my head for a couple minutes! I didn't move anything but my eyes. So cool! He was peeping and ****ing his head looking at me and moving around my head. Then he flew off to the mimosa tree for a morning drink. Too cool! LOL
Anyway.... happy Saturday Janine and crew. I have the support meeting to prep for on the patio this morning and, if everyone is up for it, a walk afterward. This afternoon some work on D's computer and some chores. Will have the olympics on while we putz around. Sure have enjoyed these games and am looking forward to the closing ceremonies tomorrow night. If they are half as well done as the opening ceremony it should be a great show. That's about all on the agenda for us.
I don't want to jinx it but can you believe what beautiful weather we have been having here in SoCal this month? D and I have lived here 14 years and I can't recall more reasonable temps any other August. The weathercast says we will warm up a couple of degrees the next couple of days and then back down the rest of the week. And next weekend is the last weekend in August. Wonder if this month will go down in the history books as one of the coolest on record?
Anyway I'm off to get the day underway so I will wish one and all a terrific day!

Looking forward to meeting Janine and hopefully her husband tomorrow!
Ya'll have a great weekend! Kim
Yesterday afternoon was my company's anual summertime picnic. It was set up like a carnival and everyone had a blast! There was a cupcake eating contest for the kids and my little sammi took about 2 bites of frosting and was done. She was more interested in watching the other kids. LOL There was a pie eating contest that was fun to watch. When it was over, I was sure glad I wasn't trying to do that. The contestants looked absolutely sick when it was over. Brings back memories from when I could eat like that and boy am I greatful for WLS!
Today my Mom, Sammi and I are walking a local 5K for the opening of the Stone Soup music festival. Looking forward to it. Then over to a friend of my Mom's who is having a yard sale. Later this afternoon after nap is a BBQ with some friends. Tomorrow we'll have to catch up on all our weekend errands after our traditional breakfast out. Going to busy, fun but busy.
Cant wait to see the progress of the mosaic Janine.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
thanks for the shout out janine.. i feel good when i'm walking..i can't wait to do it again today.. i'm not doing much but doing laundry and cleaning my room and packing it up.. i do have to go through my drawers and downsize my clothes.. i wish i lived by a water park... well everyone have a great day...

Hey Janine and Cali Crew:
Wow, I got up at 6:00am to let the puppy out and then laid back down and then my husband said hey it's 9:00 you getting up. Sure felt good though.
Janine thanks for asking about my horse, he's doing good and we are hopefully expecting him back to riding next week. I use to be a better horsewomen, after my neck surgery I got scared even though my neck had nothing to do with riding. I think it was just a wake up call of my age and how out of shape and heavy I had become. So now it's just easy riding but that's ok, that's my thing and what I love. A bad day can turn great just being around my horsey's. I'm sure you know that with your Harley, go for a ride and it turns the whole day good again.
Anyway, everyone have a great day.